A. Ozcan, “Non-destructive Optical Characterization Tools”, Verlag DM Publishing House, 2008
Publisher: VDM Verlag Dr. Muller.
Language: English
ISBN-10: 3639104498
ISBN-13: 978-3639104493
Amazon – Barnes & Noble – Bookfinder

Journal Papers:
: G. Han, A. Goncharov, M. Eryilmaz, S. Ye, H. Joung, R. Ghosh, E. Ngo, A. Tomoeda, Y. Lee, K. Ngo, E. Melton, O.B. Garner, D. Di Carlo and A. Ozcan, “Deep Learning-Enhanced Chemiluminescence Vertical Flow Assay for High-Sensitivity Cardiac Troponin I Testing,” Small (2025)
: Ç. Işıl, H. Ceylan Koydemir, M. Eryilmaz, K. de Haan, N. Pillar, K. Mentesoglu, A. Firat Unal, Y. Rivenson, S. Chandrasekaran, O.B. Garner and A. Ozcan, “Virtual Gram staining of label-free bacteria using darkfield microscopy and deep learning,” Science Advances (AAAS) (2025)
: R. Pradhan, D. Chimene, B.S. Ko, A. Goncharov, A. Ozcan, M.J. McShane, “Insertable Biomaterial-Based Multianalyte Barcode Sensor toward Continuous Monitoring of Glucose and Oxygen,” ACS Sensors (2024)
DOI: 10.1021/acssensors.4c01926
: M.S.S. Rahman, and A. Ozcan, “Physics and Artificial Intelligence: Illuminating the Future of Optics and Photonics,” Advanced Photonics (2024)
: G. Ma, C-Y. Shen, J. Li, L. Huang, Ç. Işıl, F.O. Ardic,X. Yang, Y. Li, Y. Wang, M.S.S. Rahman, and A. Ozcan, “Unidirectional imaging with partially coherent light,” Advanced Photonics Nexus (2024)
: J.D. FitzGerald, C. Barrios, T. Liu, A. Rosenthal, G.M. McCarthy, L. Chen, B. Bai, G. Ma, A. Ozcan, “A novel polarized light microscope for examination of birefringent crystals in synovial fluid,” Gout, Urate, and Crystal Deposition Disease (2024)
: G-R. Han, A. Goncharov, M. Eryilmaz, H-A. Joung, R. Ghosh, G. Yim, N. Chang, M. Kim, K. Ngo, M. Veszpremi, K. Liao, O. Garner, D. Di Carlo, A. Ozcan, “Deep learning-enhanced paper-based vertical flow assay for high-sensitivity troponin detection using nanoparticle amplification,” ACS Nano (2024)
: Y. Ma, L. Huang, C. Sen, S. Burri, C. Bruschini, X. Yang, R.B. Cameron, G.A. Fishbein, B.N. Gomperts, A. Ozcan, E. Charbon, L. Gao, “Light-field tomographic fluorescence lifetime imaging microscopy,” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS) (2024)
: X. Yang, B. Bai, Y. Zhang, M. Aydin, Y. Li, S.Y. Selcuk, P.C. Costa, Z. Guo, G.A. Fishbein, K. Atlan, W. Dean Wallace, N. Pillar, A. Ozcan, “Virtual birefringence imaging and histological staining of amyloid deposits in label-free tissue using autofluorescence microscopy and deep learning,” Nature Communications (2024)
DOI: 10.1038/s41467-024-52263-z
: M. Fanous, P. Casteleiro Costa, C. Isil, L. Huang, A. Ozcan, “Neural Network-Based Processing and Reconstruction of Compromised Biophotonic Image Data,” Light: Science & Applications (2024)
DOI: 10.1038/s41377-024-01544-9
: J. Rosen, et al., “Roadmap on computational methods in optical imaging and holography,” Applied Physics B (2024)
DOI: 10.1007/s00340-024-08280-3
: H-J. Jang, H-A. Joung, A. Goncharov, A.G. Kanegusuku, C.W. Chan, K-T. Jerry Yeo, W. Zhuang, A. Ozcan, J. Chen, “Deep Learning-based Kinetic Analysis in Paper-based Analytical Cartridges Integrated with Field-effect Transistors,” ACS Nano (2024)
: R. Ghosh, H. Joung, A. Goncharov, B. Palanisamy, K. Ngo, K. Pejcinovic, N. Krockenberger, E. Horn, O. Garner, E. Ghazal, A. O’Kula, P. Arnaboldi, R. Dattwyler, A. Ozcan, D. Di Carlo, “Rapid single-tier serodiagnosis of Lyme disease,” Nature Communications (2024)
DOI: 10.1038/s41467-024-51067-5
: A. Goncharov, Z. Gorocs, R. Pradhan, B. Ko, A. Ajmal, A. Rodriguez, D. Baum, M. Veszpremi, X. Yang, M. Pindrys, T. Zheng, O. Wang, J.C. Ramella-Roman, M.J. McShane, A. Ozcan, “An insertable glucose sensor using a compact and cost-effective phosphorescence lifetime imager and machine learning,” ACS Nano (2024)
: M.S.S. Rahman, and A. Ozcan, “Integration of Programmable Diffraction with Digital Neural Networks,” ACS Photonics (2024)
DOI: 10.1021/acsphotonics.4c01099
: D. Yigci, M. Eryilmaz, A.K. Yetisen, S. Tasoglu, A. Ozcan, “Large Language Model-Based Chatbots in Higher Education,” Advanced Intelligent Systems (2024)
: B. Bai, X. Yang, T. Gan, J. Li, D. Mengu, M. Jarrahi, A. Ozcan, “Pyramid diffractive optical networks for unidirectional image magnification and demagnification,” Light: Science & Applications (2024)
DOI: 10.1038/s41377-024-01543-w
: C-Y. Shen, J. Li, Y. Li, T. Gan, L. Bai, M. Jarrahi, A. Ozcan, “Multiplane Quantitative Phase Imaging Using a Wavelength-Multiplexed Diffractive Optical Processor,” Advanced Photonics (2024)
: Y. Li, J. Li, A. Ozcan, “Nonlinear Encoding in Diffractive Information Processing Using Linear Optical Materials,” Light: Science & Applications (2024)
DOI: 10.1038/s41377-024-01529-8
: S.Y. Selcuk, X. Yang, B. Bai, Y. Zhang, Y. Li, M. Aydin, A. F. Unal, A. Gomatam, Z. Guo, D. M. Angus, G. Kolodney, K. Atlan, T. K. Haran, N. Pillar, and A. Ozcan, “Automated HER2 Scoring in Breast Cancer Images Using Deep Learning and Pyramid Sampling,” BME Frontiers (2024)
: G. Ma, X. Yang, B. Bai, J. Li, Y. Li, T. Gan, C-Y. Shen, Y. Zhang, Y. Li, Ç. Işıl, M. Jarrahi, A. Ozcan, “Multiplexed all-optical permutation operations using a reconfigurable diffractive optical network,” Laser & Photonics Reviews (2024)
: M. Eryilmaz, A. Goncharov, G. Han, H. Joung, Z.S. Ballard, R. Ghosh, Y. Zhang, D. Di Carlo, A. Ozcan, “A paper-based multiplexed serological test to monitor immunity against SARS-CoV-2 using machine learning,” ACS Nano (2024)
: J. Hu, K. Liao, N.U. Dinc, C. Gigli, B. Bai, T. Gan, X. Li, H. Chen, X. Yang, Y. Li, Ç. Işıl, M.S.S. Rahman, J. Li, X. Hu, M. Jarrahi, D. Psaltis, A. Ozcan, “Subwavelength Imaging using a Solid-Immersion Diffractive Optical Processor,” eLight (2024)
DOI: 10.1186/s43593-024-00067-5
: B. Bai, R. Lee, Y. Li, T. Gan, Y. Wang, M. Jarrahi, A. Ozcan, “Information hiding cameras: optical concealment of object information into ordinary images,” Science Advances (2024)
: C-Y. Shen, J. Li, T. Gan,Y. Li, M. Jarrahi, A. Ozcan, “All-optical phase conjugation using diffractive wavefront processing,” Nature Communications (2024)
DOI: 10.1038/s41467-024-49304-y
: J. Li, Y. Li, T. Gan, C-Y. Shen, M. Jarrahi, A. Ozcan, “All-optical complex field imaging using diffractive processors,” Light: Science & Applications (2024)
DOI: 10.1038/s41377-024-01482-6
: D. Yigci, J. Bonventre, A. Ozcan, S. Tasoglu, “Repurposing Sewage and Toilet Systems: Environmental, Public Health, and Person-Centered Healthcare Applications,” Global Challenges (2024)
: N. Chaturvedi, A. Goncharov, S. Tripathy, A. Michelle T.S. Juan, S.B. Mabbott, A. Ozcan, F.S. Ligler, G.L. Coté, “Advances in point-of-care optical biosensing for underserved populations,” Trends in Analytical Chemistry (2024)
DOI: 10.1016/j.trac.2024.117731
: D. Zhang, D. Xu, Y. Li, Y. Luo, J. Hu, J. Zhou, Y. Zhang, B. Zhou, P. Wang, X. Li, B. Bai, H. Ren, L. Wang, A. Zhang, M. Jarrahi, Y. Huang, A. Ozcan, and X. Duan, “Broadband nonlinear modulation of incoherent light using a transparent optoelectronic neuron array,” Nature Communications (2024)
DOI: 10.1038/s41467-024-46387-5
: Y. Li, N. Pillar, J. Li, T. Liu, D. Wu, S. Sun, G. Ma, K. de Haan, L. Huang, Y. Zhang, S. Hamidi, A. Urisman, T.K. Haran, W.D. Wallace, J.E. Zuckerman, and A. Ozcan, “Virtual histological staining of unlabeled autopsy tissue,” Nature Communications (2024)
DOI: 10.1038/s41467-024-46077-2
: J. Hu, D. Mengu, D.C. Tzarouchis, B. Edwards, N. Engheta and A. Ozcan, “Diffractive Optical Computing in Free Space,” Nature Communications (2024)
DOI: 10.1038/s41467-024-45982-w
: N. Pillar, Y. Li, Y. Zhang, and A. Ozcan, “Virtual Staining of Non-Fixed Tissue Histology,” Modern Pathology (2024)
DOI: 10.1016/j.modpat.2024.100444
: Ç. Işıl, T. Gan, F.O. Ardic, K. Mentesoglu, J. Digani, H. Karaca, H. Chen, J. Li, D. Mengu, M. Jarrahi, K. Akşit, and A. Ozcan, “All-optical image denoising using a diffractive visual processor,” Light: Science & Applications (Nature Publishing Group) (2024)
DOI: 10.1038/s41377-024-01385-6
: M.S.S. Rahman, and A. Ozcan, “OAM-based diffractive all-optical classification,” Advanced Photonics (2024)
: X. Yang, M.S.S. Rahman, B. Bai, J. Li, and A. Ozcan, “Complex-valued universal linear transformations and image encryption using spatially incoherent diffractive networks,” Advanced Photonics Nexus (2024)
: X. Li, D. Mengu, N.T. Yardimci, D. Turan, A. Charkhesht A. Ozcan, and M. Jarrahi, “Plasmonic photoconductive terahertz focal-plane array with pixel super-resolution,” Nature Photonics (2024)
: L. Huang, J. Li, X. Ding, Y. Zhang, H. Chen and A. Ozcan, “Cycle Consistency-based Uncertainty Quantification of Neural Networks in Inverse Imaging Problems,” Intelligent Computing (AAAS) (2023)
: V.N. Astratov, et al., “Roadmap on Label-Free Super-Resolution Imaging,” Laser & Photonics Reviews (2023)
: S.S. Rahman, T. Gan, E.A. Deger, Ç. Işıl, M. Jarrahi and A. Ozcan, “Learning Diffractive Optical Communication Around Arbitrary Opaque Occlusions,” Nature Communications (2023)
DOI: 10.1038/s41467-023-42556-0
: J. Li, X. Li, N.T. Yardimci, J. Hu, Y. Li, J. Chen, Y. Hung, M. Jarrahi, and A. Ozcan, “Rapid Sensing of Hidden Objects and Defects using a Single-Pixel Diffractive Terahertz Sensor,” Nature Communications (2023)
DOI: 10.1038/s41467-023-42554-2
: J. Park, B. Bai, D. Ryu, T. Liu, C. Lee, Y. Luo, M. Jae Lee, L. Huang, J. Shin, Y. Zhang, D. Ryu, Y. Li, G. Kim, H. Min, A. Ozcan, and Y. Park, “Artificial intelligence-enabled Quantitative Phase Imaging Methods for Life Sciences,” Nature Methods (2023)
DOI: 10.1038/s41592-023-02041-4
: V. Shah, X. Yang, A. Arnheim, S. Udani, D. Tseng, Y. Luo, M. Ouyang, G. Destgeer, O. Garner, H.C. Koydemir, A. Ozcan, D. Di Carlo, “Amphiphilic particle-stabilized nanoliter droplet reactors with a multi-modal portable reader for distributive biomarker quantification,” ACS Nano (2023)
: X. Li, J. Li, Y. Li, A. Ozcan, M. Jarrahi, “High-throughput terahertz imaging: progress and challenges,” Light: Science & Applications (Nature Publishing Group) (2023)
: Y. Li, T. Gan, B. Bai, Ç. Işıl, M. Jarrahi, and A. Ozcan, “Optical information transfer through random unknown diffusers using electronic encoding and diffractive decoding” Advanced Photonics (2023)
: Y. Li, J. Li, Y. Zhao, T. Gan, J. Hu, M. Jarrahi, A. Ozcan “Universal Polarization Transformations: Spatial programming of polarization scattering matrices using a deep learning-designed diffractive polarization transformer,” Advanced Materials (2023)
: C-Y. Shen, J. Li, D. Mengu, and A. Ozcan “Multispectral Quantitative Phase Imaging Using a Diffractive Optical Network,” Advanced Intelligent Systems (2023)
: S.S. Rahman, X. Yang, J. Li, B. Bai, and A. Ozcan, “Universal Linear Intensity Transformations Using Spatially Incoherent Diffractive Processors,” Light: Science & Applications (2023)
DOI: 10.1038/s41377-023-01234-y
: L. Huang, H. Chen, T. Liu, and A. Ozcan, “Self-supervised learning of hologram reconstruction using physics consistency,” Nature Machine Intelligence (2023)
DOI: 10.1038/s42256-023-00704-7
: M.J. Fanous, N. Pillar, and A. Ozcan, “Digital Staining Facilitates Biomedical Microscopy,” Frontiers in Bioinformatics (2023)
DOI: 10.3389/fbinf.2023.1243663
: Y. Li, Y. Luo, D. Mengu, B. Bai, and A. Ozcan, “Quantitative phase imaging (QPI) through random diffusers using a diffractive optical network,” Light: Advanced Manufacturing (2023)
: M.J. Fanous, A. Ozcan, “In-flow holographic tomography boosts lipid droplet quantification,” Opto-Electronic Advances (2023)
: T. Liu, Y. Li, H.C. Koydemir, Y. Zhang, E. Yang, M. Eryilmaz, H. Wang, J. Li, B. Bai, G. Ma, and A. Ozcan, “Rapid and stain-free quantification of viral plaque via lens-free holography and deep learning,” Nature Biomedical Engineering (2023)
DOI: 10.1038/s41551-023-01057-7
: J. Li, T. Gan, Y. Zhao, B. Bai, C-Y. Shen, S. Sun, M. Jarrahi and A. Ozcan, “Unidirectional Imaging using Deep Learning-Designed Materials,” Science Advances (AAAS) (2023)
: A. Goncharov, H-A. Joung, R. Ghosh, G-R. Han, Z.S. Ballard, Q. Maloney, A. Bell, C.T.Z. Aung, O.B. Garner, D. Di Carlo, and A. Ozcan, “Deep learning-enabled multiplexed point-of-care sensor using a paper-based fluorescence vertical flow assay,” Small (2023)
: B. Bai, H. Wei, X. Yang, T. Gan, D. Mengu, M. Jarrahi, and A. Ozcan, “Data class-specific all-optical transformations and encryption,” Advanced Materials (2023)
: D. Mengu, A. Tabassum, and M. Jarrahi and A. Ozcan, “Snapshot Multispectral Imaging Using a Diffractive Optical Network,” Light: Science & Applications (2023)
DOI: 10.1038/s41377-023-01135-0– PDF
: B. Bai, Y. Li, Y. Luo, X. Li, E. Cetintas, M. Jarrahi and A. Ozcan, “All-optical image classification through unknown random diffusers using a single-pixel diffractive network,” Light: Science & Applications (2023)
DOI: 10.1038/s41377-023-01116-3
: B. Bai, X. Yang, Y. Li, Y. Zhang, N. Pillar and A. Ozcan, “Deep Learning-enabled Virtual Histological Staining of Biological Samples,” Light: Science & Applications (2023)
DOI: 10.1038/s41377-023-01104-7
: H. Chen, L. Huang, T. Liu, and A. Ozcan, “eFIN: Enhanced Fourier Imager Network for Generalizable Autofocusing and Pixel Super-Resolution in Holographic Imaging,” IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics (2023)
DOI: 10.1109/JSTQE.2023.3248684
: S.S. Rahman, and A. Ozcan, “Time-lapse image classification using a diffractive neural network,” Advanced Intelligent Systems (2023)
: J. Budd, B. Miller, et al., “Lateral flow test engineering and lessons learned from COVID-19” Nature Reviews Bioengineering (2023)
DOI: 10.1038/s44222-022-00007-3
: J. Li, T. Gan, B. Bai, Y. Luo, M. Jarrahi, and A. Ozcan, “Massively Parallel Universal Linear Transformations using a Wavelength-Multiplexed Diffractive Optical Network,” Advanced Photonics (2023)
DOI: 10.1117/1.AP.5.1.016003– PDF
: C. Isıl, D. Mengu, Y. Zhao, A. Tabassum, J. Li, Y. Luo, M. Jarrahi and A. Ozcan, “Super-resolution image display using diffractive decoders,” Science Advances (2022)
: N. Pillar and A. Ozcan, “Virtual tissue staining in pathology using machine learning,” Expert Review of Molecular Diagnostics (2022)
DOI: 10.1080/14737159.2022.2153040
: Y. Luo, Y. Zhang, T. Liu, A. Yu, Y. Wu, and A. Ozcan, “Virtual impactor-based label-free pollen detection using holography and deep learning,” ACS Sensors (2022)
DOI: 10.1021/acssensors.2c01890– PDF
: S. Belsare, D. Tseng, A. Ozcan, and G. Coté, “Monitoring gestational diabetes at the point-of-care via dual glycated albumin lateral flow assays in conjunction with a handheld reader,” Analyst (2022)
: Y. Zhang, L. Huang, T. Liu, K. Cheng, K. de Haan, Y. Li, B. Bai, and A. Ozcan, “Virtual staining of defocused autofluorescence images of unlabeled tissue using deep neural networks,” Intelligent Computing (AAAS) (2022)
: B. Bai, H. Wang, Y. Li, K. de Haan, F. Colonnese, Y. Wan, J. Zuo, N.B. Doan, X. Zhang, Y. Zhang, J. Li, X. Yang, W. Dong, M. Angus Darrow, E. Kamangar, H. Sung Lee, Y. Rivenson, A. Ozcan, “Label-free virtual HER2 immunohistochemical staining of breast tissue using deep learning,” BME Frontiers (AAAS) (2022)
: Y. Rivenson and A. Ozcan, “Deep learning accelerates whole slide imaging for next generation digital pathology applications,” Light: Science & Applications (Nature Publishing Group) (2022)
: D. Mengu, Y. Zhao, A. Tabassum, M. Jarrahi, and A. Ozcan, “Diffractive Interconnects: All-Optical Permutation Operation Using Diffractive Networks,” Nanophotonics (2022)
DOI: 10.1515/nanoph-2022-0358– PDF
: X. Yang, B. Bai, Y. Li, Y. Zhang, T. Liu, K. de Haan, and A. Ozcan, “Virtual stain transfer in histology via cascaded deep neural networks” ACS Photonics (2022)
DOI: 10.1021/acsphotonics.2c00932
: H. Chen, L. Huang, T. Liu and A. Ozcan, “Fourier Imager Network (FIN): A deep neural network for hologram reconstruction with superior external generalization,” Light: Science & Applications (2022)
DOI: 10.1038/s41377-022-00949-8– PDF
: B. Bai, Y. Luo, T. Gan, J. Hu, Y. Li, Y. Zhao, D. Mengu, M. Jarrahi, and A. Ozcan, “To image, or not to image: Class-specific diffractive cameras with all-optical erasure of undesired objects,” eLight (2022)
DOI: 10.1186/s43593-022-00021-3 – PDF
: Y. Li, Y. Luo, B. Bai, and A. Ozcan, “Analysis of Diffractive Neural Networks for Seeing Through Random Diffusers,” IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics (IEEE JSTQE) (2022)
DOI: 10.1109/JSTQE.2022.3194574– PDF
: Y. Li, T. Liu, H.C. Koydemir, H. Wang, K. O’Riordan, B. Bai, Y. Haga, J. Kobashi, H. Tanaka, T. Tamaru, K. Yamaguchi, and A. Ozcan, “Deep Learning-enabled Detection and Classification of Bacterial Colonies Using a Thin Film Transistor (TFT) Image Sensor” ACS Photonics (2022)
DOI: 10.1021/acsphotonics.2c00572
: L. Huang, X. Yang, T. Liu, and A. Ozcan, “Few-shot Transfer Learning for Holographic Image Reconstruction using a Recurrent Neural Network” APL Photonics (2022)
: J. Li, Y. Hung, O. Kulce, D. Mengu and A. Ozcan, “Polarization Multiplexed Diffractive Computing: All-Optical Implementation of a Group of Linear Transformations Through a Polarization-Encoded Diffractive Network,” Light: Science & Applications (Nature Publishing Group) (2022)
DOI: 10.1038/s41377-022-00849-x– PDF
: D. Mengu and A. Ozcan, “All-optical phase recovery: diffractive computing for quantitative phase imaging” Advanced Optical Materials (2022)
DOI: 10.1002/adom.202200281– PDF
: D. Mengu, S.S. Rahman, Y. Luo, J. Li and A. Ozcan, “At the intersection of optics and deep learning: statistical inference, computing, and inverse design” Advances in Optics and Photonics (2022)
: D. Mengu, M. Veli, Y. Rivenson and A. Ozcan, “Classification and reconstruction of spatially overlapping phase images using diffractive optical networks” Scientific Reports (2022)
DOI: 10.1038/s41598-022-12020-y
: Y. Luo, D. Mengu and A. Ozcan, “Cascadable all-optical NAND gates using diffractive networks” Scientific Reports (2022)
DOI: 10.1038/s41598-022-11331-4
: J. Leonard, H.C. Koydemir, V.S. Koutnik, D. Tseng, A. Ozcan, and S. Mohanty, “Smartphone-enabled rapid quantification of microplastics” Journal of Hazardous Materials Letters (2022)
DOI: 10.1016/j.hazl.2022.100052
: B.S. Miller, M.R. Thomas, M. Banner, J. Kim, Y. Chen, Q.Wei, D.K. Tseng, Z.S. Göröcs, A. Ozcan, M.M. Stevens, R.A. McKendry “Sub-picomolar lateral flow antigen detection with two-wavelength imaging of composite nanoparticles,” Biosensors and Bioelectronics (2022)
DOI: 10.1016/j.bios.2022.114133
: E. Cetintas, Y. Luo, C. Nguyen, Y. Guo, L. Li, Y. Zhu, A. Ozcan, “Characterization of exhaled e-cigarette aerosols in a vape shop using a field-portable holographic on-chip microscope,” Scientific Reports (2022)
DOI: 10.1038/s41598-022-07150-2
: Y. Luo, Y. Zhao, J. Li, E. Cetintas, Y. Rivenson, M. Jarrahi, A. Ozcan, “Computational Imaging Without a Computer: Seeing Through Random Diffusers at the Speed of Light,” eLight (2022)
DOI: 10.1186/s43593-022-00012-4 – PDF
: V.S. Koutnik, A. Borthakur, J. Leonard, S. Alkidim, H. Ceylan Koydemir, D. Tseng, A. Ozcan, S. Ravi, S.K. Mohanty, “Mobility of polypropylene microplastics in stormwater biofilters under freeze-thaw cycles” Journal of Hazardous Materials Letters (2022)
DOI: 10.1016/j.hazl.2022.100048
: V.S. Koutnik, J. Leonard, J.B. Glasman, H. Ceylan Koydemir, A. Novoselov, J. Brar, R. Bertel, D. Tseng, A. Ozcan, S. Ravi, S.K. Mohanty, “Microplastics retained in stormwater control measures: Where do they come from and where do they go?” Water Research (2021)
DOI: 10.1016/j.watres.2021.118008
: J. Li, J. Garfinkel, X. Zhang, D. Wu, Y. Zhang, K. de Haan, H. Wang, T. Liu, B. Bai, Y. Rivenson, G. Rubinstein, P. Scumpia and A. Ozcan, “Biopsy-free in vivo virtual histology of skin using deep learning,” Light: Science & Applications (Nature Publishing Group) (2021)
DOI: 10.1038/s41377-021-00674-8
: S.S. Rahman, and A. Ozcan, “Computer-free, all-optical reconstruction of holograms using diffractive networks,” ACS Photonics (2021)
DOI: 10.1021/acsphotonics.1c01365
: O. Kulce, D. Mengu, Y. Rivenson and A. Ozcan, “All-Optical Synthesis of an Arbitrary Linear Transformation Using Diffractive Surfaces,” Light: Science & Applications (Nature Publishing Group) (2021)
DOI: 10.1038/s41377-021-00623-5
: J. Hambalek, J. Kong, C. Brown, H. Munoz, T. Horn, M. Bogumil, E. Quick, A. Ozcan, and D. Di Carlo, “Methylation Sensitive LAMP: Nucleic Acid Methylation Detection Through Loop-Mediated Isothermal Amplification with Mobile Fluorescence Readout,” ACS Sensors (2021)
DOI: 10.1021/acssensors.1c00902
: J.R. Bobe, B.L. Jutras, E.J. Horn, M.E. Embers, A. Bailey, R.L. Moritz, Y. Zhang, M.J. Soloski, R.S. Ostfeld, R.T. Marconi, J. Aucott, A. Ma’ayan, F. Keesing, K. Lewis, C.B. Mamoun, A.W. Rebman, M.E. McClune, E.B. Breitschwerdt, P.J. Reddy, R. Maggi, F. Yang, B. Nemser, A. Ozcan, O. Garner, D. Di Carlo, Z. Ballard, H-A. Joung, A. Garcia-Romeu, R.R. Griffiths, N. Baumgarth and B.A. Fallon, “Recent Progress in Lyme Disease and Remaining Challenges,” Frontiers in Medicine (2021)
: K. de Haan, Y. Zhang, J.E. Zuckerman, T. Liu, A.E. Sisk, M.F.P. Diaz, K. Jen, A. Nobori, S. Liou, S. Zhang, R. Riahi, Y. Rivenson, W.D. Wallace, and A. Ozcan, “Deep learning-based transformation of H&E stained tissues into special stains,” Nature Communications (2021)
DOI: 10.1038/s41467-021-25221-2 – PDF
: Y. Zhang, T. Liu, M. Singh, E. Çetintaş, Y. Luo, Y. Rivenson, K.V. Larin, and A. Ozcan, “Neural network-based image reconstruction in swept-source optical coherence tomography using undersampled spectral data,” Light: Science & Applications (Nature Publishing Group) (2021)
DOI: 10.1038/s41377-021-00594-7
: Y. Luo, H. Joung, S. Esparza, J. Rao, O. Garner, and A. Ozcan “Quantitative particle agglutination assay for point-of-care testing using mobile holographic imaging and deep learning,” Lab on a Chip (2021)
DOI: 10.1039/D1LC00467K – arXiv
: Z. Ballard, C. Brown, A.M. Madni, and A. Ozcan, “Machine learning and computation enabled intelligent sensor designs,” Nature Machine Intelligence (2021)
DOI: 10.1038/s42256-021-00360-9
: X. Yang, L. Huang, Y. Luo, Y. Wu, H. Wang, Y. Rivenson, and A. Ozcan, “Deep-learning-based virtual refocusing of images using an engineered point-spread function,” ACS Photonics (2021)
DOI: 10.1021/acsphotonics.1c00660
: Y. Luo, Y. Wu, L. Li, Y. Guo, E. Cetintas, Y. Zhu, and A. Ozcan, “Dynamic Imaging and Characterization of Volatile Aerosols in E-Cigarette Emissions Using Deep Learning-Based Holographic Microscopy,” ACS Sensors (2021)
DOI: 10.1021/acssensors.1c00628
: L. Huang, T. Liu, X. Yang, T. Luo, Y. Rivenson, and A. Ozcan, “Holographic image reconstruction with phase recovery and autofocusing using recurrent neural networks,” ACS Photonics (2021)
DOI: 10.1021/acsphotonics.1c00337
: J. Li, D. Mengu, N.T. Yardimci, Y. Luo, X. Li, M. Veli, Y. Rivenson, M. Jarrahi and A. Ozcan, “Spectrally-Encoded Single-Pixel Machine Vision Using Diffractive Networks,” Science Advances (2021)
: L. Huang, H. Chen, Y. Luo, Y. Rivenson and A. Ozcan, “Recurrent neural network-based volumetric fluorescence microscopy,” Light: Science & Applications (Nature Publishing Group) (2021)
DOI: 10.1038/s41377-021-00506-9
: Ç. Işıl, K. de Haan, Z. Gӧrӧcs, H. Ceylan Koydemir, S. Peterman, D. Baum, F. Song, T. Skandakumar, E. Gumustekin, and A. Ozcan, “Phenotypic analysis of microalgae populations using label-free imaging flow cytometry and deep learning,” ACS Photonics (2021)
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: K. Trofymchuk, V. Glembockyte, L. Grabenhorst, F. Steiner, C. Vietz, C. Close, M. Pfeiffer, L. Richter, M.L. Schütte, F. Selbach, R. Yaadav, J. Zähringer, Q. Wei, A. Ozcan, B. Lalkens, G.P. Acuna, and P. Tinnefeld, “Addressable Nanoantennas with Cleared Hotspots for Single-Molecule Detection on a Portable Smartphone Microscope,” Nature Communications (2021)
DOI: 10.1038/s41467-021-21238-9
: C. Brown, A. Goncharov, Z. Ballard, M. Fordham, A. Clemens, Y. Qiu, Y. Rivenson, A. Ozcan, “Neural Network-Based On-Chip Spectroscopy Using a Scalable Plasmonic Encoder,” ACS Nano (2021)
DOI: 10.1021/acsnano.1c00079 – PDF
: O. Kulce, D. Mengu, Y. Rivenson and A. Ozcan, “All-Optical Information Processing Capacity of Diffractive Surfaces,” Light: Science & Applications (Nature Publishing Group) (2021)
DOI: 10.1038/s41377-020-00439-9 – PDF
: Y. Luo, L. Huang, Y. Rivenson, and A. Ozcan, “Single-shot autofocusing of microscopy images using deep learning,” ACS Photonics (2021)
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: S.S. Rahman, J. Li, D. Mengu, Yair Rivenson, and A. Ozcan, “Ensemble learning of diffractive optical networks,” Light: Science & Applications (Nature Publishing Group) (2021)
DOI: 10.1038/s41377-020-00446-w
: M. Zell, T. Aung, M. Kaldas, A.K. Rosenthal, B. Bai, T. Liu, A. Ozcan, and J.D. FitzGerald, “Calcium pyrophosphate crystal size and characteristics,” Osteoarthritis and Cartilage Open (2021)
DOI: 10.1016/j.ocarto.2020.100133
: M. Veli, D. Mengu, N.T. Yardimci, Y. Luo, J. Li, Y. Rivenson, M. Jarrahi, and A. Ozcan, “Terahertz Pulse Shaping Using Diffractive Surfaces,” Nature Communications (2021)
DOI: 10.1038/s41467-020-20268-z – PDF
: D. Mengu, Y. Rivenson, and A. Ozcan, “Scale-, shift- and rotation-invariant diffractive optical networks,” ACS Photonics (2020)
DOI: 10.1021/acsphotonics.0c01583 – PDF
: G. Wetzstein, A. Ozcan, S. Gigan, S. Fan, D. Englund, M. Soljačić, C. Denz, D.A.B. Miller, and D. Psaltis, “Inference in artificial intelligence with deep optics and photonics,” Nature (2020)
DOI:10.1038/s41586-020-2973-6 – PDF
: T. Liu, K. de Haan, B. Bai, Y. Rivenson, Y. Luo, H. Wang, D. Karalli, H. Fu, Y. Zhang, J. FitzGerald, and A. Ozcan, “Deep learning-based holographic polarization microscopy,” ACS Photonics (2020)
DOI: 10.1021/acsphotonics.0c01051
: Y. Rivenson, K. de Haan, W.D. Wallace, A. Ozcan, “Emerging advances to transform histopathology using virtual staining,” BME Frontiers (2020)
DOI: 10.34133/2020/9647163 – PDF
: F. Ghaderinezhad, H.C. Koydemir, D. Tseng, D. Karinca, K. Liang, A. Ozcan, and S. Tasoglu, “Sensing of electrolytes in urine using a miniaturized paper-based device,” Scientific Reports (2020)
DOI: 10.1038/s41598-020-70456-6
: Z. Gӧrӧcs, D. Baum, F. Song, K. DeHaan, H.C. Koydemir, Y. Qiu, Z. Cai, T. Skandakumar, S. Peterman, M. Tamamitsu, and A. Ozcan, “Label-free detection of Giardia lamblia cysts using a deep learning-enabled portable imaging flow cytometer,” Lab on a Chip (2020)
: C. Brown, D. Tseng, P. Larkin, S. Realegeno, L. Mortimer, A. Subramonian, D. Di Carlo, O. Garner, and A. Ozcan, “An Automated, Cost-Effective Optical System for Accelerated Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing (AST) using Deep Learning,” ACS Photonics (2020)
DOI: 10.1021/acsphotonics.0c00841
: H. Wang, H.C. Koydemir, Y. Qiu, B. Bai, Y. Zhang, Y. Jin, S. Tok, E.C. Yilmaz, E. Gumustekin, Y. Rivenson, and A. Ozcan, “Early-detection and classification of live bacteria using time-lapse coherent imaging and deep learning,” Light: Science & Applications (Nature Publishing Group) (2020)
DOI: 10.1038/s41377-020-00358-9 – PDF
: D. Mengu, Y. Zhao, N.T. Yardimci, Y. Rivenson, M. Jarrahi, and A. Ozcan, “Misalignment Resilient Diffractive Optical Networks,” Nanophotonics (2020)
DOI: 10.1515/nanoph-2020-0291 – PDF
: K. de Haan, H.C. Koydemir, Y. Rivenson, D. Tseng, E. Van Dyne, L.S. Bakic, D. Karinca, K. Liang, M. Ilango, E. Gumustekin, and A. Ozcan, “Automated screening of sickle cells using a smartphone-based microscope and deep learning,” npj Digital Medicine (2020)
DOI: 10.1038/s41746-020-0282-y
: Z. Ballard, H. Joung, A. Goncharov, J. Liang, K. Nugroho, D. Di Carlo, O. Garner, and A. Ozcan, “Deep learning-enabled point-of-care sensing using multiplexed paper-based sensors,” npj Digital Medicine (2020)
DOI: 10.1038/s41746-020-0274-y
: Y. Zhang, K. de Haan, Y. Rivenson, J. Li, A. Delis, and A. Ozcan, “Digital synthesis of histological stains using micro-structured and multiplexed virtual staining of label-free tissue,” Light: Science & Applications (Nature Publishing Group) (2020)
DOI: 10.1038/s41377-020-0315-y
: Z. Ballard, S. Bazargan, D. Jung, S. Sathianathan, A. Clemens, D. Shir, S. Al-Hashimi, and A. Ozcan, “Contact lens-based lysozyme detection in tear using a mobile sensor,” Lab on a Chip (2020)
: A. Ray, M.A. Khalid, A. Demčenko, M. Daloglu, D. Tseng, J. Reboud, J.M. Cooper and A. Ozcan, “Holographic Detection of Nanoparticles using Acoustically Actuated Nanolenses,” Nature Communications (2020)
DOI: 10.1038/s41467-019-13802-1
: H. Munoz, C. Riche, J. Kong, M. van Zee, O. Garner, A. Ozcan, D. Di Carlo, “Fractal-LAMP: Label-free analysis of fractal precipitate for digital loop-mediated isothermal nucleic acid amplification,” ACS Sensors (2020)
DOI: 10.1021/acssensors.9b01974
: A. Ray, S. Esparza, D. Wu, M.R. Hanudel, H. Joung, B. Gales, D. Tseng, I.B. Salusky, and A. Ozcan, “Measurement of Serum Phosphate Levels Using a Mobile Sensor,” Analyst (2020)
: H.C. Koydemir, S. Rajpal, E. Gumustekin, D. Karinca, K. Liang, Z. Gorocs, D. Tseng, and A. Ozcan, “Smartphone-based turbidity reader,” Scientific Reports (2019)
DOI: 10.1038/s41598-019-56474-z
: H. Joung, Z. Ballard, J. Wu, D. Tseng, H. Teshome, L. Zhang, E. Horn, P. Arnaboldi, R. Dattwyler, O.B. Garner, D. Di Carlo, and A. Ozcan, “Point-of-Care Serodiagnostic Test for Early-Stage Lyme Disease Using a Multiplexed Paper-Based Immunoassay and Machine Learning,” ACS Nano (2019)
: Y. Luo, D. Mengu, N.T. Yardimci, Y. Rivenson, M. Veli, M. Jarrahi and A. Ozcan, “Design of task-specific optical systems using broadband diffractive neural networks,” Light: Science & Applications (Nature Publishing Group) (2019)
DOI: 10.1038/s41377-019-0223-1 – PDF
: K. de Haan, Y. Rivenson, Y. Wu, and A. Ozcan, “Deep learning-based image reconstruction and enhancement in optical microscopy,” Proceedings of the IEEE (2019)
DOI: 10.1109/JPROC.2019.2949575 – PDF
: Y. Wu, Y. Rivenson, H. Wang, Y. Luo, E. Ben-David, L.A. Bentolila, C. Pritz and A. Ozcan, “Three-dimensional virtual refocusing of fluorescence microscopy images using deep learning,” Nature Methods (2019)
DOI: 10.1038/s41592-019-0622-5 – PDF
: Y. Zhang, M. Ouyang, A. Ray, T. Liu, J. Kong, B. Bai, D. Kim, A. Guziak, Y. Luo, A. Feizi, K. Tsai, Z. Duan, X. Liu, D.H. Kim, C. Cheung, S. Yalcin, H. Ceylan Koydemir, O. Garner, D. Di Carlo, and A. Ozcan, “Computational cytometer based on magnetically-modulated coherent imaging and deep learning,” Light: Science & Applications (Nature Publishing Group) (2019)
DOI: 10.1038/s41377-019-0203-5
: Y. Rivenson, Y. Wu, and A. Ozcan, “Deep Learning in Holography and Coherent Imaging,” Light: Science & Applications (Nature Publishing Group) (2019)
DOI: 10.1038/s41377-019-0196-0
: M.A. Khalid, A. Ray, S. Cohen, M. Tassieri, D. Andriejus, D. Tseng, J. Reboud, A. Ozcan, and J. Cooper, “Computational Image Analysis of Guided Acoustic Waves Enables Rheological Assessment of Sub-Nanoliter Samples,” ACS Nano (2019)
: B. Bai, H. Wang, T. Liu, Y. Rivenson, J. FitzGerald, and A. Ozcan, “Pathological crystal imaging with single-shot computational polarized light microscopy,” Journal of Biophotonics (2019)
: K. de Haan, Z.S. Ballard, Y. Rivenson, Y. Wu, and A. Ozcan, “Resolution enhancement in scanning electron microscopy using deep learning,” Scientific Reports (2019)
DOI: 10.1038/s41598-019-48444-2
: G. Barbastathis, A. Ozcan and G. Situ, “On the use of Deep Learning for Computational Imaging,” Optica (2019)
: T. Liu, Z. Wei, Y. Rivenson, K. de Haan, Y. Zhang, Y. Wu, and A. Ozcan, “Deep learning-based color holographic microscopy,” Journal of Biophotonics (2019)
: S. Tok, K. de Haan, D. Tseng, C.F. Usanmaz, H.C. Koydemir, and A. Ozcan, “Early detection of E. coli and total coliform using an automated, colorimetric and fluorometric fiber optics-based device,” Lab on a Chip (2019)
: J. Li, D. Mengu, Y. Luo, Y. Rivenson, A. Ozcan, “Class-specific Differential Detection in Diffractive Optical Neural Networks Improves Inference Accuracy,” Advanced Photonics (2019)
DOI: 10.1117/1.AP.1.4.046001 – arXiv:1906.03417
: D. Mengu, Y. Luo, Y. Rivenson, A. Ozcan, “Analysis of Diffractive Optical Neural Networks and Their Integration with Electronic Neural Networks,” IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics (2019)
DOI: 10.1109/JSTQE.2019.2921376 – arXiv:1810.01916 – PDF
: T. Ghonge, H. Ceylan Koydemir, E. Valera, J. Berger, C. Garcia, N. Nawar, J. Tiao, G. Damhorst, A. Ganguli, U. Hassan, A. Ozcan, R. Bashir, “Smartphone-Imaged Microfluidic Biochip for Measuring CD64 Expression from Whole Blood,” Analyst (2019)
: T. Liu, K. de Haan, Y. Rivenson, Z. Wei, X. Zeng, Y. Zhang, and A. Ozcan, “Deep learning-based super-resolution in coherent imaging systems,” Scientific Reports (2019)
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: Y. Wu, Y. Luo, G. Chaudhari, Y. Rivenson, A. Calis, K. de Haan, and A. Ozcan, “Bright-field holography: Cross-modality deep learning enables snapshot 3D imaging with bright-field contrast using a single hologram,” Light: Science & Applications (Nature Publishing Group) (2019)
DOI: 10.1038/s41377-019-0139-9 – PDF
: Y. Rivenson, T. Liu, Z. Wei, Y. Zhang, K. de Haan, and A. Ozcan, “PhaseStain: The digital staining of label-free quantitative phase microscopy images using deep learning,” Light: Science & Applications (Nature Publishing Group) (2019)
DOI: 10.1038/s41377-019-0129-y – PDF
: Y. Rivenson, H. Wang, Z. Wei, K. de Haan, Y. Zhang, Y. Wu, H. Günaydın, J.E. Zuckerman, T. Chong, A.E. Sisk, L. M. Westbrook, W.D. Wallace, and A. Ozcan, “Virtual histological staining of unlabelled tissue-autofluorescence images via deep learning,” Nature Biomedical Engineering (2019)
DOI: 10.1038/s41551-019-0362-y – arXiv:1803.11293 – PDF
: M.U. Daloglu, A. Ray, M.J. Collazo, C. Brown, D. Tseng, B. Chocarro-Ruiz, L.M. Lechuga, D. Cascio and A.Ozcan, “Low-cost and portable UV holographic microscope for high-contrast protein crystal imaging,” APL Photonics (2019)
: H. Joung, Z.S. Ballard, A. Ma, D.K. Tseng, H. Teshome, S. Burakowski, O.B. Garner, D. Di Carlo, A. Ozcan, “Paper-based multiplexed vertical flow assay for point-of-care testing,” Lab on a Chip (2019)
: J.W. Snow, H.C. Koydemir, D.K. Karinca, K. Liang, D. Tseng, A. Ozcan, “Rapid imaging, detection, and quantification of Nosema ceranae spores in honey bees using mobile phone-based fluorescence microscopy,” Lab on a Chip (2019)
: C. Vietz, M.L. Schütte, Q. Wei, L. Richter, B. Lalkens, A. Ozcan, P. Tinnefeld and G.P. Acuna, “Benchmarking Smartphone Based Microscopy with DNA Origami Nanobeads: Reducing the Gap Towards Single Molecule Sensitivity,” ACS Omega (2019)
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: H. Wang, Y. Rivenson, Y. Jin, Z. Wei, R. Gao, H. Gunaydin, L. Bentolila, and A. Ozcan, “Deep learning achieves super-resolution in fluorescence microscopy,” Nature Methods (2018)
: Y. Wu, A. Ray, Q. Wei, A. Feizi, X. Tong, E. Chen, Y. Luo, and A. Ozcan, “Deep learning enables high-throughput analysis of particle-aggregation-based bio-sensors imaged using holography,” ACS Photonics (2018)
DOI: 10.1021/acsphotonics.8b01479
: Y. Zhang, H.C. Koydemir, M.M. Shimogawa, S. Yalcin, A. Guziak, T. Liu, I. Oguz, Y. Huang, B. Bai, Y. Luo, Y. Luo, Z. Wei, H. Wang, V. Bianco, B. Zhang, R. Nadkarni, K. Hill, and A. Ozcan, “Motility-based label-free detection of parasites in bodily fluids using holographic speckle analysis and deep learning,” Light: Science & Applications (Nature Publishing Group) (2018)
DOI: 10.1038/s41377-018-0110-1 – PDF
: H.C. Koydemir, J.T. Coulibaly, D. Tseng, I.I. Bogoch, A. Ozcan, “Design and Validation of a Wide-Field Mobile Phone Microscope for the Diagnosis of Schistosomiasis” Travel Medicine and Infectious Disease (2018)
DOI: 10.1016/j.tmaid.2018.12.001
: Y. Zhang, T. Liu, Y. Huang, D. Teng, Y. Bian, Y. Wu, Y. Rivenson, A. Feizi, and A. Ozcan, “Accurate color imaging of pathology slides using holography and absorbance spectrum estimation of histochemical stains,” Journal of Biophotonics (2018)
: V. Müller, J.M. Sousa, H.C. Koydemir, M. Veli, D. Tseng, L. Cerqueira, A. Ozcan, N.F. Azevedo, F. Westerlund, “Identification of Pathogenic Bacteria in Complex Samples Using a Smartphone Based Fluorescence Microscope,” RSC Advances (2018)
: Y. Bian, Y. Zhang, P. Yin, H. Li, and A. Ozcan, “Optical refractometry using lensless holography and autofocusing,” Optics Express (2018)
: M.U. Daloglu, F. Lin, B. Chong, D. Chien, M. Veli, W. Luo, and A. Ozcan, “3D imaging of sex-sorted bovine spermatozoon locomotion, head spin and flagellum beating,” Scientific Reports (2018)
: Y. Wu, A. Calis, Y. Luo, C. Chen, M. Lutton, Y. Rivenson, X. Lin, H.C. Koydemir, Y. Zhang, H. Wang, Z. Göröcs, and A. Ozcan, “Label-free bio-aerosol sensing using mobile microscopy and deep learning,” ACS Photonics (2018)
DOI: 10.1021/acsphotonics.8b01109 – PDF
: Z. Ballard, and A. Ozcan, “Nucleic acid quantification in the field,” Nature Biomedical Engineering (2018)
DOI: 10.1038/s41551-018-0292-0 – PDF
: Z. Gӧrӧcs, M. Tamamitsu, V. Bianco, P. Wolf, S. Roy, K. Shindo, K. Yanny, Y. Wu, H.C. Koydemir, Y. Rivenson, and A. Ozcan, “A deep learning-enabled portable imaging flow cytometer for cost-effective, high-throughput and label-free analysis of natural water samples,” Light: Science & Applications (Nature Publishing Group) (2018)
DOI: 10.1038/s41377-018-0067-0 – PDF
: X. Lin, Y. Rivenson, N.T. Yardimci, M. Veli, Y. Luo, M. Jarrahi and A. Ozcan, “All-Optical Machine Learning Using Diffractive Deep Neural Networks,” Science (2018)
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: I. Hernández-Neuta, F. Neumann, J. Brightmeyer, T. Ba Tis, N. Madaboosi, Q. Wei, A. Ozcan and M. Nilsson, “Smartphone-based clinical diagnostics: Towards democratization of evidence-based health care,” Journal of Internal Medicine (2018)
: S. Kahkeshani, J.E. Kong, Q. Wei, D. Tseng, O.B. Garner, A. Ozcan, and D. Di Carlo, “Ferrodrop dose-optimized-digital quantification of biomolecules in low-volume samples,” Analytical Chemistry (2018)
DOI: 10.1021/acs.analchem.8b00958
: M. Shimogawa, S. Ray, N. Kisalu, Y. Zhang, Q. Geng, A. Ozcan, and K. Hill, “Parasite motility is critical for virulence of African trypanosomes,” Scientific Reports (2018)
DOI: 10.1038/s41598-018-27228-0
: Y. Rivenson and A. Ozcan, “Toward a Thinking Microscope: Deep Learning in Optical Microscopy and Image Reconstruction,” OSA OPN (2018) – arXiv:1805.08970 (2018)
: Y. Wu, Y. Rivenson, Y. Zhang, Z. Wei, H. Gunaydin, X. Lin, and A. Ozcan, “Extended depth-of-field in holographic image reconstruction using deep learning based auto-focusing and phase-recovery,” Optica (2018) – arXiv:1803.08138 (2018)
DOI: 10.1364/OPTICA.5.000704 – arXiv:1803.08138
: Y. Zhang, M. Alexander, S. Yang, Y. Bian, E. Botvinick, J.R.T. Lakey, and A. Ozcan, “High-throughput screening of encapsulated islets using wide-field lens-free on-chip imaging,” ACS Photonics (2018) – arXiv:1803.03534 (2018)
DOI: 10.1021/acsphotonics.8b00343 – arXiv:1803.03534
: H.C. Koydemir and A. Ozcan, “Smartphones Democratize Advanced Biomedical Instruments and Foster Innovation,” Clinical Pharmacology & Therapeutics (2018)
: Z. Ballard, C. Brown and A. Ozcan, “Mobile Technologies for the Discovery, Analysis and Engineering of the Global Microbiome,” ACS Nano (2018)
DOI: 10.1021/acsnano.7b08660 – PDF
: M. Veli, and A. Ozcan, “Computational Sensing of Staphylococcus aureus on Contact Lenses using 3D Imaging of Curved Surfaces and Machine Learning,” ACS Nano (2018)
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: H.C. Koydemir, and A. Ozcan, “Wearable and Implantable Sensors for Biomedical Applications,” Annual Review of Analytical Chemistry (2018)
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: Y. Rivenson, H.C. Koydemir, H. Wang, Z. Wei, Z. Ren, H. Günaydın, Y. Zhang, Z. Göröcs, K. Liang, D. Tseng, A. Ozcan, “Deep learning enhanced mobile-phone microscopy,” ACS Photonics (2018) – arXiv:1712.04139 (2017)
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: Y. Rivenson, Z. Gorocs, H. Gunaydin, Y. Zhang, H. Wang, and A. Ozcan, “Deep Learning Microscopy,” Optica (2017)
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: D. Kim, Q. Wei, D.H. Kim, D. Tseng, J. Zhang, E. Pan, O. Garner, A. Ozcan, D. Di Carlo, “Enzyme-free Nucleic Acid Amplification Assay Using a Cellphone-Based Well Plate Fluorescence Reader,” Analytical Chemistry (2017)
DOI: 10.1021/acs.analchem.7b03848
: Y. Rivenson, Y. Zhang, H. Günaydın, D. Teng, and A. Ozcan, “Phase recovery and holographic image reconstruction using deep learning in neural networks,” Light: Science & Applications (Nature Publishing Group) (2017)
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: Z.S. Ballard, Y. Zhang and A. Ozcan, “Off-axis holography and micro-optics improve lab-on-a-chip imaging,” Light: Science & Applications (Nature Publishing Group) (2017)
: Y. Zhang, H. Wang, Y. Wu, M. Tamamitsu, and A. Ozcan, “Edge sparsity criterion for robust holographic autofocusing,” Optics Letters (2017)
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: E. McLeod and A. Ozcan, “Microscopy without lenses,” Physics Today (2017)
: Y. Wu and A. Ozcan, “Lensless digital holographic microscopy and its applications in biomedicine and environmental monitoring,” Methods (2017)
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: P. Minzioni, et al., “Roadmap for optofluidics,” Journal of Optics (2017)
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: M. Daloglu, W. Luo, F. Shabbir, F. Lin, K. Kim, I. Lee, J. Jiang, W. Cai, V. Ramesh, and M. Yu, and A. Ozcan, “Label-free 3D computational imaging of spermatozoon locomotion, head spin and flagellum beating over a large volume,” Light: Science & Applications (Nature Publishing Group) (2017) – Cover Article
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: Y. Zhang, Y. Shin, K. Sung, S. Yang, H. Chen, H. Wang, D. Teng, Y. Rivenson, R.P. Kulkarni, and A. Ozcan, “3D Imaging of Optically Cleared Tissue Using a Simplified CLARITY Method and On-Chip Microscopy,” Science Advances (AAAS) (2017)
: D.Y. Joh, A.M. Hucknall, Q. Wei, K.A. Mason, C.M. Fontes, R.T. Hill, R. Blair, Z. Zimmers, R.K. Achar, D. Tseng, R. Gordan, M. Freemark, A. Ozcan, A. Chilkoti, “Inkjet Printed Point-of-Care Immunoassay on a Nanoscale Polymer Brush Enables Sub-Picomolar Detection of Analytes in Blood,” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS) (2017)
: M.U. Daloglu and A. Ozcan, “Computational Imaging of Sperm Locomotion,” Biology of Reproduction (2017)
: A. Ray, M.U. Daloglu, J. Ho, A. Torres, E. Mcleod and A. Ozcan, “Computational sensing of herpes simplex virus using a cost-effective on-chip microscope,” Scientific Reports (Nature Publishing Group) (2017)
: H.C. Koydemir, S. Feng, K. Liang, R. Nadkarni, P. Benien, and A. Ozcan, “Comparison of Supervised Machine Learning Algorithms for Waterborne Pathogen Detection using Mobile-Phone Fluorescence Microscopy,” Nanophotonics (2017)
: H.C. Koydemir, and A. Ozcan, “Mobile phones create new opportunities for microbiology research and clinical applications,” Future Microbiology (2017)
: Q. Wei, G. Acuna, S. Kim, C. Vietz, D. Tseng, J. Chae, D. Shir, W. Luo, P. Tinnefeld, and A. Ozcan, “Plasmonics Enhanced Smartphone Fluorescence Microscopy,” Scientific Reports (Nature Publishing Group) (2017)
DOI: 10.1038/s41598-017-02395-8 – PDF
: A. Ray, S. Li, T. Segura, and A. Ozcan, “High-throughput quantification of nanoparticle degradation using computational microscopy and its application to drug delivery nanocapsules,” ACS Photonics (2017)
DOI: 10.1021/acsphotonics.7b00122 – PDF
: I. Bogoch, H.C. Koydemir, D. Tseng, R. Ephraim, E. Duah, J. Tee, J. Andrews, and A. Ozcan, “Evaluation of a mobile phone-based microscope for screening of Schistosoma haematobium infection in rural Ghana,” American Journal of Tropical Medicine & Hygiene (2017)
: Y. Wu, A. Shiledar, Y. Li, J. Wong, S. Feng, X. Chen, C. Chen, K. Jin, S. Janamian, Z. Yang, Z.S. Ballard, Z. Göröcs, A. Feizi, and A. Ozcan, “Air Quality Monitoring Using Mobile Microscopy and Machine Learning,” Light: Science & Applications (Nature Publishing Group) (2017)
DOI: 10.1038/lsa.2017.46 – PDF
: M. Daloglu, A. Ray, Z. Gorocs, M. Xiong, R. Malik, G. Bitan, E. McLeod and A. Ozcan, “Computational On-Chip Imaging of Nanoparticles and Biomolecules using Ultraviolet Light,” Scientific Reports (Nature Publishing Group) (2017)
: J. Kong, Q. Wei, D. Tseng, J. Zhang, E. Pan, M. Lewinski, O. Garner, A. Ozcan, and D. Di Carlo, “Highly stable and sensitive nucleic acid amplification and cell-phone based readout” ACS Nano (2017)
: Z. Ballard, D. Shir, A. Bhardwaj, S. Bazargan, S. Sathianathan, and A. Ozcan, “Computational Sensing Using Low-Cost and Mobile Plasmonic Readers Designed by Machine Learning,” ACS Nano (2017)
: M. Kühnemund, Q. Wei, E. Darai, Y. Wang, I. Hernandez-Neuta, Z. Yang, D. Tseng, A, Ahlford, L. Mathot, T. Sjöblom, A. Ozcan, and M. Nilsson, “Targeted DNA sequencing and in situ mutation analysis using mobile phone microscopy,” Nature Communications (2017)
DOI: 10.1038/NCOMMS13913 – PDF
: S. Feng, D. Tseng, D. DiCarlo, O. Garner and A. Ozcan, “High-throughput and automated diagnosis of antimicrobial resistance using a cost-effective cellphone-based micro-plate reader,” Scientific Reports (Nature Publishing Group) (2016)
: Y. Rivenson, Y. Wu, H. Wang, Y. Zhang, A. Feizi and A. Ozcan, ”Sparsity-based multi-height phase recovery in holographic microscopy,” Scientific Reports (Nature Publishing Group) (2016)
: H. Wang, Z. Gorocs, W. Luo, Y. Zhang, Y. Rivenson, L.A. Bentolila, and A. Ozcan, ”Computational out-of-focus imaging increases the space-bandwidth product in lens-based coherent microscopy,” Optica (2016)
: A. Feizi, Y. Zhang, A. Greenbaum, A. Guziak, M. Luong, R.Y. Chan, B. Berg, H. Ozkan, W. Luo, M. Wu, Y. Wu, and A. Ozcan, ”Rapid, portable and cost-effective yeast cell viability and concentration analysis using lensfree on-chip microscopy and machine learning,” Lab on a Chip (2016)
: Z. Gorocs, Y. Rivenson, H.C. Koydemir, D. Tseng, T. Troy, V. Demas, and A. Ozcan, ”Quantitative fluorescence sensing through highly autofluorescent, scattering and absorbing media using mobile microscopy,” ACS Nano (2016)
DOI:10.1021/acsnano.6b05129 – PDF
: D. Kim, O. Garner, A. Ozcan and D. Di Carlo, ”Homogenous Entropy-driven Amplified Detection of Biomolecular Interactions,” ACS Nano (2016)
: B. Munos, et al., ”Mobile health: the power of wearables, sensors, and apps to transform clinical trials,” Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences (2016)
: Y. Zhang, S.Y. Lee, Y. Zhang, D. Furst, J. Fitzgerald and A. Ozcan, ”Wide-field imaging of birefringent synovial fluid crystals using lens-free polarized microscopy for gout diagnosis,” Scientific Reports (Nature Publishing Group) (2016)
: Y. Wu, Y. Zhang, W. Luo and A. Ozcan, ”Demosaiced pixel super-resolution for multiplexed holographic color imaging,” Scientific Reports (Nature Publishing Group) (2016)
: Y. Zhang, Y. Wu, Y. Zhang, and A. Ozcan, ”Color calibration and fusion of lens-free and mobile-phone microscopy images for high-resolution and accurate color reproduction,” Scientific Reports (Nature Publishing Group) (2016)
: E. McLeod and A. Ozcan, ”Unconventional methods of imaging: computational microscopy and compact implementations,” Reports on Progress in Physics (2016)
DOI:10.1088/0034-4885/79/7/076001 – PDF
: W. Luo, Y. Zhang, Z. Gorocs, A. Feizi and A. Ozcan, ”Propagation phasor approach for holographic image reconstruction,” Scientific Reports (Nature Publishing Group) (2016)
: A. Ozcan and E. McLeod, ”Lensless Imaging and Sensing,” The Annual Review of Biomedical Engineering (2016)
DOI:10.1146/annurev-bioeng-092515-010849 – PDF
: T-W. Su, I. Choi, J. Feng, K. Huang and A. Ozcan, ”High-throughput analysis of horse sperms’ 3D swimming patterns using computational on-chip imaging,” Animal Reproduction Science (2016)
: J.S. Biteen, P.C. Blainey, Z.G. Cardon, M. Chun, G.M. Church, P.C. Dorrestein, S.E. Fraser, J.A. Gilbert, J.K. Jansson, R. Knight, J.F. Miller, A. Ozcan, K.A. Prather, S.R. Quake, E.G. Ruby, P.A. Silver, S. Taha, G. van den Engh, P.S. Weiss, G.C.L. Wong, A.T. Wright, T.D. Young, ”Tools for the Microbiome: Nano and Beyond,” ACS Nano (2015)
DOI:10.1021/acsnano.5b07826 – PDF
: W. Luo, Y. Zhang, A. Feizi, Z. Gorocs, and A. Ozcan, ”Pixel super-resolution using wavelength scanning,” Light: Science & Applications (Nature Publishing Group) (2015)
DOI:10.1038/lsa.2016.60 – PDF
: D. Shir, Z.S. Ballard, and A. Ozcan, ”Flexible Plasmonic Sensors,” IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics (2015)
DOI:10.1109/JSTQE.2015.2507363 – Invited Manuscript
: A.P. Alivisatos, et al., ”A unified initiative to harness Earth’s microbiomes,” Science (2015)
: S.K. Vashist, P.B. Luppa, L.Y. Yeo, A. Ozcan, J.H.T. Luong, ”Emerging technologies for next-generation point-of-care testing,” Trends in Biotechnology (2015)
: J.C. Contreras-Naranjo, Q. Wei, and A. Ozcan, ”Mobile Phone Based Microscopy, Sensing, and Diagnostics,” IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics (2015)
DOI:10.1109/JSTQE.2015.2478657 – Invited Manuscript
: S.K.J. Ludwig, C. Tokarski, S. Lang, L.A. Ginkel, H. Zhu, A. Ozcan and M.W.F. Nielen, ”Calling biomarkers in milk using a protein microarray on your smartphone,” PLoS ONE (2015)
: B. Berg, B. Cortazar, D. Tseng, H. Ozkan, S. Feng, Q. Wei, R. Chan, J. Burbano, Q. Farooqui, M. Lewinski, D. Di Carlo, O.B. Garner, and A. Ozcan, ”Cellphone-Based Hand-Held Micro-Plate Reader for Point-of-Care Testing of Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assays,” ACS Nano (2015)
: Z. Göröcs, E. McLeod, and A. Ozcan, ”Enhanced light collection in fluorescence microscopy using self-assembled micro-reflectors,” Scientific Reports (Nature Publishing Group) (2015)
: E. McLeod, Q. Wei and A. Ozcan, ”Democratization of Nanoscale Imaging and Sensing Tools using Photonics,” Analytical Chemistry (2015)
: Y. Zhang, A. Greenbaum, W. Luo, and A. Ozcan, ”Wide-field Pathology Imaging using On-chip Microscopy,” Virchows Archiv – The Journal of the European Society of Pathology (2015)
DOI:10.1007/s00428-015-1782-z – Invited Review Article
: W. Luo, F. Shabbir, C. Gong, C. Gulec, J. Pigeon, J. Shaw, A. Greenbaum, S. Tochitsky, C. Joshi, and A. Ozcan, ”High throughput on-chip analysis of high-energy charged particle tracks using lensfree imaging,” Applied Physics Letters (2015)
: E. McLeod, T.U. Dincer, M. Veli, Y.N. Ertas, C. Nguyen, W. Luo, A. Greenbaum, A. Feizi, and A. Ozcan, ”High-Throughput and Label-Free Single Nanoparticle Sizing Based on Time-Resolved On-Chip Microscopy,” ACS Nano (2015)
: B. Cortazar, H.C. Koydemir, D. Tseng, S. Feng and A. Ozcan, ”Quantification of Plant Chlorophyll Content Using Google Glass,” Lab on a Chip (2015)
: W. Luo, A. Greenbaum, Y. Zhang, and A. Ozcan, ”Synthetic aperture based on-chip microscopy,” Light: Science & Applications (Nature Publishing Group) (2015)
: A. Greenbaum, Y. Zhang, A. Feizi, P. Chung, W. Luo, S.R. Kandukuri, and A. Ozcan, ”Wide-field Computational Imaging of Pathology Slides using Lensfree On-Chip Microscopy,” Science Translational Medicine (AAAS) (2014)
DOI:10.1126/scitranslmed.3009850 – Reprint – Full Text
: H.C. Koydemir, Z. Gorocs, D. Tseng, B. Cortazar, S. Feng, R.Y.L. Chan, J. Burbano, E. McLeod, and A. Ozcan, ”Rapid imaging, detection and quantification of Giardia lamblia cysts using mobile-phone based fluorescent microscopy and machine learning,” Lab on a Chip (2014)
: Q. Wei, W. Luo, S. Chiang, T. Kappel, C. Mejia, D. Tseng, R. Chan, E. Yan, H. Qi, F. Shabbir, H. Ozkan, S. Feng, and A. Ozcan, ”Imaging and Sizing of Single DNA Molecules on a Mobile-Phone,” ACS Nano (2014)
: A.F. Coskun, A.E. Cetin, B.C. Galarreta, D.A. Alvarez, H. Altug, and A. Ozcan, ”Lensfree optofluidic plasmonic sensor for real-time and label-free monitoring of molecular binding events over a wide field-of-view,” Scientific Reports (Nature Publishing Group) (2014)
: E. McLeod and A. Ozcan, ”Nano-imaging enabled via self-assembly,” Nano Today (2014)
: E. McLeod, C. Nguyen, P. Huang, W. Luo, M. Veli, and A. Ozcan, ”Tunable vapor-condensed nanolenses,” ACS Nano (2014)
: S.K.J. Ludwig, H. Zhu, S. Phillips, A. Shiledar, S. Feng, D. Tseng, L.A. van Ginkela, M.W.F. Nielen, and A. Ozcan, ”Cellphone-based detection platform for rbST biomarker analysis in milk extracts using a microsphere fluorescence immunoassay,” Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry (2014)
: Z. Göröcs and A. Ozcan, ”Biomedical Imaging and Sensing using Flatbed Scanners,” Lab on a Chip (2014)
: A. Ozcan, ”Educational games for malaria diagnosis,” Science Translational Medicine (AAAS) (2014)
: I. Pushkarsky, Y. Lyb, W. Weaver, T-W. Su, O. Mudanyali, A. Ozcan, and D. Di Carlo, ”Automated single-cell motility analysis on a chip using lensfree microscopy,” Scientific Reports (Nature Publishing Group) (2014)
: A. Ozcan, ”Mobile Phones Democratize and Cultivate Next-Generation Imaging, Diagnostics and Measurement Tools,” Lab on a Chip (2014)
: S. Feng, R. Caire, B. Cortazar, M. Turan, A. Wong, and A. Ozcan, ”Immunochromatographic Diagnostic Test Analysis Using Google Glass,” ACS Nano (2014)
: I. Sencan, A.F. Coskun, U. Sikora, and A. Ozcan, ”Spectral Demultiplexing in Holographic and Fluorescent On-chip Microscopy,” Scientific Reports (Nature Publishing Group) (2014)
: Q. Wei, R. Nagi, K. Sadeghi, S. Feng, E. Yang, S. Ki, R. Caire, D. Tseng, and A. Ozcan, ”Detection and Spatial Mapping of Mercury Contamination in Water Samples using a Smart-Phone,” ACS Nano (2014)
: A.E. Cetin, A.F. Coskun, B.C. Galarreta, M. Huang, D. Herman, A. Ozcan and H. Altug, ”Handheld High-Throughput Plasmonic Biosensor using Computational On-Chip Imaging,” Light: Science & Applications (Nature Publishing Group) (2014)
: S. K. Vashista, O. Mudanyali, E. M. Schneidere, R. Zengerle, and A. Ozcan, ”Cellphone-based devices for bioanalytical sciences,” Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry (2013)
: A. Greenbaum, N. Akbari, A. Feizi, W. Luo, and A. Ozcan, ”Field-Portable Pixel Super-Resolution Colour Microscope,” PLoS ONE (2013)
: Z. Göröcs, Y. Ling, M. Dai Yu, D. Karahalios, K. Mogharabi, K. Lu, Q. Wei, and A. Ozcan, ”Giga-pixel fluorescent imaging over an ultra-large field-of-view using a flatbed scanner,” Lab on a Chip (2013)
: Q. Wei, H. Qi, W. Luo, D. Tseng, S. Jung Ki, Z. Wan, Z. Göröcs, L.A. Bentolila, T. Wu, Ren Sun, and A. Ozcan, ”Fluorescent Imaging of Single Nanoparticles and Viruses on a Smart-Phone,” ACS Nano (2013)
: A.F. Coskun, and A. Ozcan, ”Computational Imaging, Sensing and Diagnostics for Global Health Applications,” Current Opinion in Biotechnology (2013)
: A.F. Coskun, R. Nagi, K. Sadeghi, S. Phillips, and A. Ozcan, ”Albumin testing in urine using a smart-phone,” Lab on a Chip (2013)
: Y. Hennequin, C.P. Allier, E. McLeod, O. Mudanyali, D. Migliozzi, A. Ozcan, and J.-M. Dinten, ”Optical detection and sizing of single nano-particles using continuous wetting films,” ACS Nano (2013)
: I. Navruz, A.F. Coskun, J. Wong, S. Mohammad, D. Tseng, R. Nagi, S. Phillips, and A. Ozcan, ”Smart-phone based computational microscopy using multi-frame contact imaging on a fiber-optic array,” Lab on a Chip (2013)
: A. Greenbaum, A. Feizi, N. Akbari, and A. Ozcan, ”Wide-field computational color imaging using pixel super-resolved on-chip microscopy,” Optics Express (2013)
: A. Greenbaum, W. Luo, B. Khademhosseinieh, T-W. Su, A.F. Coskun, and A. Ozcan, ”Increased space-bandwidth product in pixel super-resolved lensfree on-chip microscopy,” Scientific Reports (Nature Publishing Group) (2013)
: Q. Wei, E. McLeod, H. Qi, Z. Wan, R. Sun, and A. Ozcan, ”On-Chip Cytometry using Plasmonic Nanoparticle Enhanced Lensfree Holography,” Scientific Reports (Nature Publishing Group) (2013)
: K-W. Huang, T-W. Su, A. Ozcan, and P-Y. Chiou, ”Optoelectronic Tweezers Integrated with Lens-free Holographic Microscopy for Wide-field Interactive Cell and Particle Manipulation on a Chip,” Lab on a Chip (2013)
: T-W. Su, I. Choi, J. Feng, K. Huang, E. McLeod, and A. Ozcan, ”Sperm Trajectories Form Chiral Ribbons,” Scientific Reports (Nature Publishing Group) (2013)
: H. Zhu, and A. Ozcan, ”Wide-field fluorescent microscopy and fluorescent imaging flow cytometry on a cell-phone,” Journal of Visualized Experiments (JoVE) (2013)
: E. McLeod, W. Luo, O. Mudanyali, A. Greenbaum, and A. Ozcan, ”Toward Giga-pixel Nanoscopy On a Chip: A computational wide-field look at the nano-scale without the use of lenses,” Lab on a Chip (2013)
: O. Mudanyali, E. McLeod, W. Luo, A. Greenbaum, A.F. Coskun, Y. Hennequin, C. Allier, and A. Ozcan, ”Wide-field optical detection of nano-particles using on-chip microscopy and self-assembled nano-lenses,” Nature Photonics (2013)
: H. Zhu, I. Sencan, J. Wong, S. Dimitrov, D. Tseng, K. Nagashima, and A. Ozcan, ”Cost-effective and Rapid Blood Analysis on a Cell-phone,” Lab on a Chip (2013)
: J. Weidling, S.O. Isikman, A. Greenbaum, A. Ozcan, and E. Botvinick, ”Lensfree Computational Imaging of Capillary Morphogenesis within 3D Substrates,” Journal of Biomedical Optics (2012)
: A.F. Coskun, J. Wong, D. Khodadadi, R. Nagi, A. Tey, and A. Ozcan, ”A personalized food allergen testing platform on a cellphone,” Lab on a Chip (2012)
: S. Mavandadi, S. Feng, F. Yu, S. Dimitrov, K. Nielsen, W.R. Prescott, and A. Ozcan, ”A Mathematical Framework for Combining Decisions of Multiple Experts toward Accurate and Remote Diagnosis of Malaria Using Tele-Microscopy,” PLoS ONE (2012)
DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0046192 – PDF
: S. Mavandadi, S. Feng, F. Yu, S. Dimitrov, R. Yu, and A. Ozcan, ”BioGames: A Platform for Crowd-sourced Bio-Medical Image Analysis and Tele-Diagnosis,” Games for Health Journal (2012)
DOI:10.1089/g4h.2012.0054 – PDF –
: T-W. Su, L. Xue and A. Ozcan, ”High-throughput lensfree 3D tracking of human sperms reveals rare statistics of helical trajectories,” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS) (2012)
DOI:10.1073/pnas.1212506109 – PDF
: S.A. Arpali, C. Arpali, A.F. Coskun, H. Chiang, and A. Ozcan, ”High-throughput screening of large volumes of whole blood using structured illumination and fluorescent on-chip imaging,” Lab on a Chip (2012)
: S.O. Isikman, A. Greenbaum, W. Luo, A.F. Coskun, and A. Ozcan, ”Giga-Pixel Lensfree Holographic Microscopy and Tomography using Color Image Sensors,” PLoS ONE (2012)
DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0045044 – PDF
: H. Zhu, S.O. Isikman, O. Mudanyali, A. Greenbaum, and A. Ozcan, ”Optical Imaging Techniques for Point-of-care Diagnostics,” Lab on a Chip (2012)
DOI:10.1039/C2LC40864C – Invited Manuscript
: A. Greenbaum, W. Luo, T-W. Su, Z. Göröcs, L. Xue, S.O. Isikman, A.F. Coskun, O. Mudanyali, and A. Ozcan, ”Imaging without lenses: achievements and remaining challenges of wide-field on-chip microscopy,” Nature Methods (2012)
: Z. Göröcs, and A. Ozcan, ”On-Chip Biomedical Imaging,” IEEE Reviews in Biomedical Engineering (2012)
: S. Mavandadi, S. Dimitrov, S. Feng, F. Yu, R. Yu, U. Sikora, and A. Ozcan, ”Crowd-sourced BioGames: Managing The Big Data Problem for Next-Generation Lab-on-a-Chip Platforms,” Lab on a Chip (2012)
: S.O. Isikman, W. Bishara, and A. Ozcan, “Lensfree On-chip Tomographic Microscopy employing Multi-Angle Illumination and Pixel Super-Resolution,” Journal of Visualized Experiments (JoVE) (66), e4161 (2012)
: E. McLeod, and A. Ozcan, “Nanofabrication using near-field optical probes,” Journal of the Association for Laboratory Automation (JALA) (2012)
DOI:10.1177/2211068212450289 – Invited Manuscript
: S. Mavandadi, S. Dimitrov, S. Feng, F. Yu, U. Sikora, O. Yaglidere, S. Padmanabhan, K. Nielsen, and A. Ozcan, “Distributed Medical Image Analysis and Diagnosis through Crowd-Sourced Games: A Malaria Case Study,” PLoS ONE (2012)
DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0037245 –
: O. Mudanyali, S. Dimitrov, U. Sikora, S. Padmanabhan, I. Navruz, and A. Ozcan, “Integrated Rapid-Diagnostic-Test Reader Platform on a Cellphone,” Lab on a Chip (2012)
: S.O. Isikman, A. Greenbaum, M. Lee, W. Bishara, O. Mudanyali, T. Su, and A. Ozcan, “Lensfree computational microscopy tools for cell and tissue imaging at the point-of-care and in low-resource settings,” Anal. Cell. Pathology, vol. 36, pp. 1-19 (2012)
: A. Greenbaum, U. Sikora, and A. Ozcan, “Field-portable wide-field microscopy of dense samples using multi-height pixel super-resolution based lensfree imaging,” Lab on a Chip (2012)
: H. Zhu, U. Sikora, and A. Ozcan, “Quantum dot enabled detection of Escherichia coli using a cell-phone,” Analyst (2012)
: A. Greenbaum, and A. Ozcan, “Maskless imaging of dense samples using pixel super-resolution based multi-height lensfree on-chip microscopy,” Optics Express (2012)
: S.B. Kim, H. Bae, K. Koo, M.R. Dokmeci, A. Ozcan, and A. Khademhosseini, “Lensfree Imaging for Biological Applications,” Journal of the Association for Laboratory Automation (JALA) (2012) – Cover Article
: S.O. Isikman, W. Bishara, U. Sikora, O. Yaglidere, and A. Ozcan, “Multi-angle illumination with pixel super-resolution enables lensfree on-chip tomography,” SPIE Newsroom (2011)
: S.O. Isikman, W. Bishara and A. Ozcan, “Partially Coherent Lensfree Tomographic Microscopy,” Applied Optics (2011)
: W. Bishara, S.O. Isikman, and A. Ozcan, “Lensfree Optofluidic Microscopy and Tomography,” Annals of Biomedical Engineering (ABME) (2011)
: M. Lee, O. Yaglidere, and A. Ozcan, “Field-portable reflection and transmission microscopy based on lensless holography,” Biomedical Optics Express (2011)
: O. Mudanyali, W. Bishara, and A. Ozcan, “Lensfree super-resolution holographic microscopy using wetting films on a chip,” Optics Express (2011)
: A.F. Coskun, T. Su, I. Sencan, and A. Ozcan, “Lensless Fluorescent Microscopy on a Chip,” Journal of Visualized Experiments (JoVE) (2011)
: H. Zhu, S. Mavandadi, A.F. Coskun, O. Yaglidere, and A. Ozcan, “Optofluidic fluorescent imaging cytometry on a cell-phone,” Analytical Chemistry (2011)
: S.O. Isikman, W. Bishara, O. Mudanyali, I. Sencan, T. Su, D. Tseng, O. Yaglidere, U. Sikora, A. Ozcan, “Lensfree On-Chip Microscopy and Tomography for Bio-Medical Applications,” IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics (2011)
: W. Bishara, U. Sikora, O. Mudanyali, T. Su, O. Yaglidere, S. Luckhart, and A. Ozcan, “Handheld and lensless microscope identifies malaria parasites,” SPIE Newsroom (2011)
: G. Biener, A. Greenbaum, S.O. Isikman, K. Lee, D. Tseng and A. Ozcan, “Combined Reflection and Transmission Microscope for Telemedicine Applications in Field Settings,” Lab on a Chip (2011)
: S.O. Isikman, W. Bishara, H. Zhu, and A. Ozcan, “Opto-fluidic Tomography On a Chip,” Applied Physics Letters (2011)

: S.O. Isikman, W. Bishara, U. Sikora, O. Yaglidere, J. Yeah, and A. Ozcan, “Field-Portable Lensfree Tomographic Microscope,” Lab on a Chip (2011)

: S.O. Isikman, W. Bishara, S. Mavandadi, F.W. Yu, S. Feng, R. Lau and A. Ozcan, “Lensfree Optical Tomographic Microscope with a Large Imaging Volume on a Chip” PNAS (2011)

: W. Bishara, U. Sikora, O. Mudanyali, T. Su, O. Yaglidere, S. Luckhart, and A. Ozcan, “Holographic pixel super-resolution in portable lensless on-chip microscopy using a fiber-optic array,” Lab on a Chip (2011)

: A.F. Coskun, I. Sencan, T. Su, and A. Ozcan, “Wide-field Lensless Fluorescent Microscopy Using a Tapered Fiber-optic Faceplate On a Chip,” Analyst (2011)

: A.F. Coskun, I. Sencan, T. Su, and A. Ozcan, “Lensfree Fluorescent On-Chip Imaging of Transgenic Caenorhabditis elegans Over an Ultra-Wide Field-of-View,” PLoS ONE (2011)

: W. Bishara, H. Zhu, and A. Ozcan, “Holographic Opto-fluidic Microscopy,” Optics Express (2010)

: B. Khademhosseini, G. Biener, I. Sencan, T. Su, A.F. Coskun and A. Ozcan, “Lensfree Sensing on a Micro-fluidic Chip using Plasmonic Nano-apertures,” Applied Physics Letters (2010)

: H. Zhu, O. Yaglidere, T. Su, D. Tseng, and A. Ozcan, “Cost-effective and Compact Wide-field Fluorescent Imaging on a Cell-phone”, Lab on a Chip (2010)

: B. Khademhosseini, G. Biener, I. Sencan, and A. Ozcan, “Lensfree Color Imaging On a Nano-structured Chip using Compressive Decoding,” Applied Physics Letters, 2010

: A.F. Coskun, I. Sencan, T. Su, and A. Ozcan, “Lensfree Fluorescent On-Chip Imaging Over an Ultra-Wide Field-of-View using Compressive Sampling,” Special Issue of “Optics in 2010” Optics & Photonics News, December 2010

: T. Su, A. Erlinger, D. Tseng, and A. Ozcan, “A Compact and Light-weight Automated Semen Analysis Platform using Lensfree On-Chip Microscopy” Analytical Chemistry (2010)

: O. Mudanyali, C. Oztoprak, D. Tseng, A. Erlinger, and A. Ozcan, “Detection of Waterborne Parasites using Field-portable and Cost-effective Lensfree Microscopy,” Lab on a Chip (2010)

: W. Bishara, T. Su, A.F. Coskun, and A. Ozcan, “Lensfree on-chip microscopy over a wide field-of-view using pixel super-resolution,” Optics Express Vol. 18, Issue 11, pp. 11181-11191 (2010)

: A.F. Coskun, I. Sencan, T. Su, and A. Ozcan, “Lensfree wide-field fluorescent imaging on a chip using compressive decoding of sparse objects,” Optics Express Vol. 18, Issue 10, pp. 10510-10523 (2010)

: S. Seo, S.O. Isikman, I. Sencan, O. Mudanyali, T. Su, W. Bishara, A. Erlinger, A. Ozcan, “High-throughput Lensfree Blood Analysis On a Chip,” Analytical Chemistry (2010)

: T. Su, S.O. Isikman, W. Bishara, D. Tseng, A. Erlinger and A. Ozcan, “Multi-angle lensless digital holography for depth resolved imaging on a chip,” Optics Express (2010)

: B. Khademhosseini, I. Sencan, G. Biener, T. Su, A.F. Coskun, D. Tseng and A. Ozcan, “Lensfree On-chip Imaging using Nano-structured Surfaces,” Applied Physics Letters 96, 171106 (2010)
Selected for the Virtual Journal of Biological Physics Research. Highlighted in Nature Photonics.

: D. Tseng, O. Mudanyali, C. Oztoprak, S.O. Isikman, I. Sencan, O. Yaglidere and A. Ozcan, “Lensfree Microscopy on a Cell-phone,” Lab Chip (2010) – Cover Article

: O. Mudanyali, D. Tseng, C. Oh, S.O. Isikman, I. Sencan, W. Bishara, C. Oztoprak, S. Seo, B. Khademhosseini, and A. Ozcan, “Compact, Light-weight and Cost-effective Microscope based on Lensless Incoherent Holography for Telemedicine Applications,” Lab Chip (2010)

: G.Stybayeva, O. Mudanyali, S. Seo, J. Silangcruz, M. Macal, E. Ramanculov, S. Dandekar, A. Erlinger, A. Ozcan, A. Revzin, “Lensfree Holographic Imaging of Antibody Microarrays for High-Throughput Detection of Leukocyte Numbers and Function,” Analytical Chemistry (2010)

: S.O. Isikman, I. Sencan, O. Mudanyali, W. Bishara, C. Oztoprak and A. Ozcan, “Color and Monochrome Lensless On-chip Imaging of Caenorhabditis Elegans Over a Wide Field-of-View,” Lab Chip (2010)

: C. Oh, S. O. Isikman, B. Khademhosseini and A. Ozcan, “On-chip differential interference contrast microscopy using lensless digital holography,” Optics Express, Vol. 18 Issue 5, 4717-4726 (2010)
Selected for the Virtual Journal for Biomedical Optics.

: A.F. Coskun, T. Su, and A. Ozcan, “Wide field-of-view lens-free fluorescent imaging on a chip,” Lab Chip (2010)

: A. Ozcan, S.O. Isikman, O. Mudanyali, D. Tseng, I. Sencan, “Lensfree on-chip holography facilitates novel microscopy applications,” SPIE Newsroom (2010)

: A. Ozcan, “Smart Technology for Global Access to healthcare,” SPIE Newsroom (2010)

: O. Mudanyali, A. Erlinger, S. Seo, T. Su, D. Tseng, A. Ozcan, “Lensless On-chip Imaging of Cells Provides a New Tool for Cell-Biology and Diagnostics,” Journal of Visualized Experiments (JoVE) (2009)

: S. Seo, T. Su, D.K. Tseng, A. Erlinger, and A. Ozcan, “Lensfree Holographic Imaging for On-Chip Cytometry and Diagnostics,” Lab Chip (2009)

: Ting-wei Su, Sungkyu Seo, Anthony Erlinger, Derek Tseng, and Aydogan Ozcan, “Towards Wireless Health: Lensless On-Chip Cytometry,” Optics and Photonics News, Vol. 19, Issue 12, pp. 24-24 (2008)

: T. Su, S. Seo, A. Erlinger, D. Tseng and A. Ozcan, “Lensfree on-chip cytometry towards wireless health,” IEEE LEOS Newsletter, October 2008
: T. Su, S. Seo, A. Erlinger, and A. Ozcan, “Multi-color LUCAS: Lensfree on-chip cytometry using tunable monochromatic illumination and digital noise reduction,” Cellular and Molecular Bioengineering (2008)
Outstanding Paper Award – PRESS RELEASE – IN THE NEWS
: T. Su, S. Seo, A. Erlinger, and A. Ozcan, “High-throughput Imaging and Characterization of a Heterogeneous Cell Solution On a Chip,” Biotechnology and Bioengineering (2008)
Highlighted in the Spotlight Feature of the Journal.
: A. Bilenca, J. Cao. M. Colice, A. Ozcan, B.E. Bouma, L. Raftery, G.J. Tearney, “Fluorescence Interferometry: Principles and Applications in Biology,” Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. 1130: 68–77 (2008)
: A. Ozcan, and U. Demirci, “Ultra wide-field lens-free monitoring of cells on-chip,” Lab Chip (2007)

: A. Ozcan, E. Cubukcu, B.E. Bouma, F. Capasso, G.J. Tearney, “Differential Near-field Scanning Optical Microscopy using Sensor Arrays,” IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics 13, 1721 (2007)
DOI: 10.1109/JSTQE.2007.910799
: A. Ozcan, A. Bilenca, A.E. Desjardin, B. E. Bouma, G. J. Tearney, “A study of speckle reduction in optical coherence tomography images using digital filtering,” Journal of Optical Society of America, A 24, 1901 (2007)
: A. Bilenca, T. Lasser, A. Ozcan, R. Leitgeb, B. E. Bouma, G. J. Tearney, “Image formation in fluorescence coherence-gated imaging through scattering media,” Optics Express 15, 2810 (2007)
: A. Ozcan, E. Cubukcu, A. Bilenca, K.B. Crozier, B.E. Bouma, F. Capasso, and G.J. Tearney, “Differential Near-field scanning optical microscopy,” Nano Letters 6, 2609 (2006)

: A. Ozcan and U. Demirci, “Rewritable self-assembled long-period gratings in photonic bandgap fibers using microparticles,” Optics Communications 270, 225 (2007)
(published online 10/2006)
DOI: 10.1016/j.optcom.2006.09.032
: A. Ozcan, A. Bilenca, B. E. Bouma, G. J. Tearney, “Mirror tunnel microscope,” Applied Physics Letters 89, 131124 (2006)
: A. Ozcan, A. Tewary, M. J. F. Digonnet, and G. S. Kino, “Observation of mode coupling in bitapered air-core fibers,” Optics Communications 271, 391 (2007)
(published online 11/2006)
DOI: 10.1016/j.optcom.2006.10.039
: A. Bilenca, A. Ozcan, B. E. Bouma, G. J. Tearney, “Fluorescence coherence tomography,” Optics Express 14, 7134-7143 (2006)
Selected to appear in The Virtual Journal for Biomedical Optics, Vol. 1, Issue 9, 2006.
Also highlighted in a research story in the Biophotonics International Magazine, October 2006.
: A. Ozcan, M. J. F. Digonnet, and G. S. Kino, “Quasi-phase-matched grating characterization using minimum-phase functions,” Optics Communications 269, 199
(published online 8/2006)
DOI: 10.1016/j.optcom.2006.07.047
: A. Ozcan, “Characterization of nonlinear thin films using logarithmic Hilbert transform,” Electronics Letters 42, 647-648 (2006)
: A. Ozcan, M. J. F. Digonnet, and G. S. Kino, ” Minimum-phase function based processing in frequency-domain optical coherence tomography systems,” Journal of Optical Society of America, A 23, 1669-1677 (2006)
Selected to appear in The Virtual Journal for Biomedical Optics, Vol. 1, Issue 8, 2006
: A. Ozcan, M. J. F. Digonnet, and G. S. Kino, “Characterization of fiber Bragg gratings using spectral interferometry based on minimum-phase functions,” IEEE Journal of Lightwave Technology 24, 1739-1757 (2006)
: A. Ozcan, M. J. F. Digonnet, L. Lablonde, D. Pureur and G. S. Kino, “A new iterative technique to characterize and design transmission fiber Bragg gratings,” IEEE Journal of Lightwave Technology 24, 1913-1921 (2006)
: U. Demirci, and A. Ozcan, “Picolitre acoustic droplet ejection by femtosecond laser micromachined multiple-orifice membrane-based 2D ejector arrays,” Electronics Letters 41, 1219-1220 (2005)